Sunday, November 21, 2010


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Save The Bears!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


1) The advertisements make people my more and more and it increases the consumption. When people buy more products, they will waste more money. They might buy too many products that they don't need and then they just throw it away. When the shops sell all their products already, they have to use fossil fuels to make more products, and it will release more CO2. It will affect to the global warming.

2)I think they don't. Because in the advertisements, they only talk about the good things about the products and the citizens will buy it anyway if they like it. I think at school, the teachers and adults should teach the youth about the bad or negative impacts about the products so they can understand more and many tell their parents if their parents don't know. Or maybe we can post on the internet some of the negative impacts about the products so everybody can read and learn and understand it.

3) I think absolutely yes. Because on every advertisements, they always talk about the good things about the products, not the bad things. They use the celebrities to use the products on their ads and it makes us want to be like the celebrities so we would buy them.