Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A message From Mother Nature

1) The main point is whether the weather is effecting and making the climate change or not.

2) -battered: damage, destroy something
- dispute: a disagreement or an argument, conflict about something that is important
-reluctant: unfortunately, dislike, uncomfortable
-vulnerable: being attack or being hurt

3) Climate is weather but in a long period of time and weather is a condition the Earth's atmosphere that happens in a short period of time.

4) Some examples are like monsoon rains in Pakistan, a record-breaking heat wave along with a record-breaking drought in Russia, or flooding in US.

5) I had many experiences already in my life. I used to live in Slovakia which snow a lot and it is very cold there. The temperature was sometimes -10 degree Celsius. The snow cover everything and we couldn't even get out of the house. But i also experience flood in Vietnam too. The flood wasn't very high but the rain didn't stop for more than 5 hours.

6) Perception means to understand or becoming aware of something.

7) To me, i think global climate change is very important and might be dangerous. For example, now the Earth's climate is changing, it is becoming warmer and warmer every single day. All the human being and other creatures like animals, trees might die because of this dangerous changing.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Crowded Planet

The Very Crowded planet had only 3 countries: Whiskey, Wine and Beer, but it also has valley, river, hills, and mountains. Wine had been found by a man named Sucre and that is also the name of Wine's capital. In Sucre, there were grapes, diamonds and so have lollipops. The land in Sucre was low, from 1000-2000m. Wine had an Empty River. The river was fool of fishes and alcohol so the Pikachu lived near there a lot so they would have food to eat and water to drink. It was also the only river in Very Crowded and it is 6000km long. Wine also had a lot of grapes, diamonds, lollipops and hills, too. It rained a lot in Wine so there were lots of floods going on in Wine. Every time there were floods, the Pikachu started to fight because they were all drunk. Whiskey and Beer were two countries in the same region. The capital of Whiskey called Abruzi and the capital of Beer called Gretchen. All the countries had alcohol, and they all rained a lot. But Whiskey didn’t flood much because it had forests.

The capital of wine, Sucre, its position in the map is 60 degree south and 20 degree west. Wine’s right side is Beer and left is Whiskey, around it is the Atlantic Ocean. Wine and Whiskey has been separate by the Boring Waterfall and Wine and Beer has been separate by Nothing Valley.

On August 9030, because of the floods, the Pikachu moved to live in Whiskey. But after one year, the Doremon, the creatures who was living in Whiskey, was very upset because the Pikachu took all of their whiskeys and food to drink and eat. That made Doremon didn’t want the Pikachu to stay in their land anymore, so they kicked them out. But, the Pikachu didn’t get out so they started a war. They took alcohol bottle and threw at each other; they also threw corns, grapes, or even lollipops. Pikachu used their electric from its talk to fight and Doremon used their magic to fight. It was a three days fight long. But eh Pikachu lost because Doremon’s magic was too powerful. But, the Pikachu didn’t give up. So then, in 9035, Pikachu crossed the Nothing River to attack the Pokémon. The Pokémon took barleys to fight with the Pikachu. Pokémon’s kungfu was very awesome, but this time, electric beat kungfu so the Pikachu stayed in both Wine and Beer countries.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Study Guide

1. Physical – shows the physical features of the earth
2. Political – shows the countries
3. Thematic – shows different types of themes, including: resources, climate, road, economic, etc.

1. Location – where things exactly are based on the longitude & the latitude
2. Place – describing the physical & human characteristics of a location
3. Region – a bigger place with similar physical & human characteristics
4. Movement – how things (humans, ideas, goods) go from place to place across the planet
5. Human/Environment Interaction – how humans adapt to the environment & how the environment adapts to humans

Geography - the study of people and environment of places
Spatial - where a place is located and its' physical relationship to other places, people or environment
Location - an exact position using latitude and longitude, or a description of a place in relation to places around it
Environment - the physical surroundings of location
Region: an area that has one or more common characteristics that unite or connect it with other area
Place - a geographical term that describes the physical and human characteristics of a location

1.Location analyst
2.Urban planner
4.Land surveyor
1.Global Positioning System (GPS)
2.Geographic Information System (GIS)
3.Remote sensing
5.Irrigation system

The 6 Essential Elements of Geography - the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, the uses of geography.

Family Tree Project

After doing the Family Tree Project, I had learned a lot of new things about my own and others' cultures. For example, in David's project, I had learned more about Czech, now I know what is the traditional cake in Czech, where it is. I love Lisa's project, her idea about making the project like a book, brilliant idea. I opened my eyes and know many new things not only about cultures, but also about ideas, about my friends' families and their "history" and also myself.

When I looked at the pictures of my family and me, I remembered a lot of both good and bad memories of mine. I also asked and learned many more things about my parents when they were young. I had learned a lot of things through this project. I was very nervous, but it seems like...normal to me now. I feel more comfortable and confident standing in front of the whole class and present.