Thursday, September 2, 2010

Family Tree Project

After doing the Family Tree Project, I had learned a lot of new things about my own and others' cultures. For example, in David's project, I had learned more about Czech, now I know what is the traditional cake in Czech, where it is. I love Lisa's project, her idea about making the project like a book, brilliant idea. I opened my eyes and know many new things not only about cultures, but also about ideas, about my friends' families and their "history" and also myself.

When I looked at the pictures of my family and me, I remembered a lot of both good and bad memories of mine. I also asked and learned many more things about my parents when they were young. I had learned a lot of things through this project. I was very nervous, but it seems like...normal to me now. I feel more comfortable and confident standing in front of the whole class and present.


Athrun C said...

it's not a cake or a pie or a pizza or a tart. It's apple STRUDDLE. i like to tease David so i pronounced it wrong on purpose. :P

U were right, we've learnt different things...

Mia Duong said...

agree with U, I love Lisa's project, it was totally cool. :D

Unknown said...

Thanks for mentioning my project in your post, Linda! I totally agree with you that we've learnt a lot through this project, and it's right that we also got more confident. I was just like you, trembling when I was presenting. However, I hope this project will be useful in the future for all of us.

Ami said...

Your post is really clear mentioning about your knowledge of other cultures. And I agree with you that I'm really confident of standing in front of the whole class now. Good job, Linda!

Zack Phan said...

Nice! I like the part that you tell what you learn about yourself during the project.

Linda said...

Thanks a lot guys :)
Athrun: haha =]] ok :P a Apple Struddle
Lisa: hihi... you are welcome :) and thanks :)
Ami, Mia and Zack: thanks guys :)

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